I have worked in the natural health and spa industry for over 20 years as a Beauty Therapist. I have grown herbs, created medicines, beauty products, worked as a raw food chef and a vegetarian cook in natural food restaurants. I have studied Ayurveda extensively and learned about herbs and natural medicine from indigenous healers. I learned my art the traditional way, as an apprentice with elders.
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In Taoism, all problems, including mental, are seen as an imbalance in chi, or life force energy. Most people are suffering from one form of imbalance or another and, without proper knowledge of the Tao, they swing from extreme to extreme and spend much of their time unconsciously trying to “fix” the “problem” without knowing what the “problem” is.
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What exactly is nature? This is a question without a clear or simple answer. In Western society, humans have removed themselves from the natural world to a great degree. What exactly is “the natural world”? It seems that the natural world is that aspect of the earth that remains unadulterated by humans. Aristotle would argue this definition.
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